willy and the boyz

Meet  willy and the boyz, our mascot that travels the world with us. I picked him up at a local art shop in Kaikoura, NZ.  He was created to be a napkin holder, according to the artist, but he makes for an entertaining conversation piece, don’t you think?



willy and the boyz — 7 Comments

  1. These guys look like they are enjoying themselves, ha! Do you have more pictures of them?

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  3. Brilliant! I love Kaikoura. It’s one of my favourite places in NZ, so stunning where the mountains meet the sea. Happy memories of being there with my late husband and our son. We watched whales and walked a lot but I’m afraid we did not pick up anything with near the pizazz of Willie and the boys! Great souvenir! I’m sure they are having a fabulous time in Bhutan as I type this comment.


  4. Pingback: Willy, Wedgies, Wild! « Jules Rules

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