I think I’m in trouble here.
Jeff and I have been talking about getting involved in pet rescue groups here in our new town of Patzcuaro, Mexico.
The problem is, there really are no secific “rescues”, just a loose bunch of people, mostly foreigners, that sterilize or take in strays and try to save lives. There are no shelters like we are familliar with in the states or other parts of Mexico.
There are, however, a couple of active sterilization groups that work closely with local vets to offer low-cost spay/neuter to local dogs. This is probably THE most important and effective way to control the out-of-control population of street dogs here. And it truly IS out-of-control. Stray dogs (and cats) roam the streets, parks, fields and parking lots, looking for food, a kind word or a mate to make even more strays.

Homeless, Sad, Sick and Hungry

Frida, my rescue from Puerto Vallarta

Chance, my “foster fail” from Atlanta, Ga.
Since we have our own rescues— Chance, a former street dog from Atlanta, Ga, and a foster fail who is now around 14, and not in great health,, and Frida, a young and rambunctious rescue from Puerto Vallarta, we weren’t actually loooking to add another, at this time, to our pack.
Meet Diego.

Diego. I’ve always been a sucker for a fluffy face!
Diego was running loose on the sidewalk at the Plaza Grande near our house. I was walking Frida, and the two playful pups took to each other “like white on rice.” They began playing, Frida all the while pulling my arm out of socket trying to get off-leash. The other dog was adorable, but he had on a collar, so, I just assumed he belonged to someone. (Many of the loose dogs in Mexico have “owners”, albeit not responsible ones.) We eventually discouraged the funny fluffball to stop following us, and a very disapppointed Frida and I went home.
The very next day, there was a post in the local facebook group that that very dog, Frida’s newest BFF, needed a home, and fast.

Diego and Frida
And well, my friends, that’s all she wrote. I picked him up that afternoon and brought him home, with every intention to vet him, clean him up and foster him while I found his forever home with someone else.
After noticing a near-constant “tic”, I took him to the vet the next morning. Seems sweet Diego suffered the nasty distemper virus (very common in Mexico) at some point in his life, and has been left with neurological problems that cause a bobbing-head and jerks and tics in his body. Jeff wanted to call him “Bob”, but that didn’t fly with me. I decided to calll him Diego, because, well…Frida

Kismet, my Tibetan Terrier rescue many years ago
He isn’t in pain, he’s a funny, active, personable and very affectionate little guy, and he looks so, SO much like my past Tibetan Terrier, Kismet, that it just melts my heart.
I would still like to find the perfect home for Diego, but I have a feeling he has already found it.
You have the biggest heart of anyone I know. Love you!!
Thanks, Poo. But I am a sucker through and through. Love you, too!
You have so adopted him! Or, he adopted you!!!
We shall see. I’d love to find him a great home. Time will tell if it is here or not.
You are a great rescue mom. It takes one to know one.
Signed, mom of
Shane rescued 2011
Zoey rescued 2021
Do you still have Shane? He was such a sweet boy! I’m glad there are eople (suckers) like us! Thanks!
Diego looks so much like my beloved Kobe from several years ago who was a great boat dog and companion. Smart dog who learned many tricks. Still miss my little buddy.
We will always miss our past pupsters! Diego waivers between smart and oblivious, but he has obviously had a tough past.
Keep him!
That’s what my heart says. My head is still struggling.
I love the photo of Chance sailing! Please tell him Uncle Rock says “Rello!” I can total
Y understand how you got hooked on Diego and foster failed again. I hed talked Cindy into a foster rescue while we were home in Ca and we had the most wonderful mutt that ended ip staying with us for 3 months. We were working on some anxiety issues that needed addressing before he found his forever home. It absolutely broke our hearts to let Jr. go but we had no choice as we could not bring him to Tonga. I have the memories, but Im still heart broken. All I can tell myself to feel better is that the time he was with us was very special to him as well as us.
Awwww! didn’t know you Fostered while back in the states Bravo!
Channy sends Unkle Wicky wicks and waggles.
Welcome home Diego! You are one lucky pup!!
Thanks, Liz. I’m very curious as to how he will adjust to boat living next winter.
Diego is so cute. Don’t get so many dogs that you have no room to host us when we come to visit!
You are a beautiful human being! How lucky is Diego!!