Waiting for the call

While in my car one day this past summer, i heard that “Million Dollar Password” was auditioning potential contestants for the show (they needed some token southerners), so i put on my cutest, and headed to the try outs. The process took all day, I kid you not, and we had to play a fake round, pass a written test, and, above all, SHOW ENTHUSIAM!!!!!!!!! Well, for those of you who know me, i got LOTS of enthusiam and energy, so honey, i poured it on! Well, turns out they loved me, and i made the short list, 2 rounds of cuts  and  a day later.  I figured I was a shoe-in, so i did as told and waited for the call, that was supposed to come within days to fly out to LA and be on TV! With Regis Philbun! Finally-my big break.



So i waited.  And waited.  Still waiting! Turns out the show took an unexpected hiatus and was off until last night! Damn! I shoulda been on that show!  I figure they’re waiting for the best celebraties to come on (you play with a famous person) to put me on, but they better hurry it up. I’ll keep you posted. Believe me, if I get on that show, you’ll know about it! Oh, and keep your fingers crossed for me, please!



Waiting for the call — 2 Comments

  1. Jules,
    Enthusiasm, E-N-T-H-U-S-I-A-S-M. LOL. Just trying to keep you on you toes for the big million. Hope the holidays are safe, I hear it is wiked collld.