
I’m Jules Fredrick, an incurable wanderer and ardent animal lover.

Since my teenage years, I’ve loved traveling and experiencing different cultures, customs and characters. I’ve never been content to stay put for too long, always researching information for my next big adventure. Fortunately, I married someone who shared my love of animals, and he (referred to as Diddy), quickly caught the traveling bug.

After traveling across the US and Canada in our little Pop-Up camper with our 3 rescued pups, we sold our house, bought a sailboat, and decided to travel by sea.

During the transition, we said farewell to Kismet, our oldest pup, who crossed over the rainbow bridge. He will always be with us in spirit.

hiking dog


Roxanne (Roxie) is a “hybrid herder” that we adopted in 2001. hybrid herder, rescue dogsShe probably is mixes of Border Collie, Heeler and Corgi. She is a certified Therapy Dog and loves retrieving sticks off the back of the boat.

Chance is a Bichon Frise we rescued in 2010. Actually, we only meant to foster him, but we are now “foster-failures”. He is our 2nd mate on the sailboat and loves/hates squirrels.

Roxie and Chance

Roxie and Chance

In 2016, we said goodbye to almost all of our worldly possessions, including house, cars, and all the stuff that goes along with being landlubbers, and moved to Mexico on our sailboat. We are now residents of Mexico and spend our time sailing the Pacific coast and taking land excursions during hurricane season.

Bichon Frise, foster failure

We hope you enjoy our blog. We love to hear from our readers, so send us a message anytime!



About — 8 Comments

  1. hi there! i am finally finally finally stopping by here, because i seriously just realized you also have a blog and not just a twitter account. i’m horrible, i know! so sorry!

    in any case, now that i have a good look at these pups, i have to say i am loving Roxie’s look! whatever her mix is, she’s gorgeous!

  2. Hi, Jules!

    Great blog. I wanted to send you an email, but the icon is popping up an email template where your email address is missing. And I can’t seem to find your email on your site.

    Help! LOL

  3. Hello Admin 3 Pups in a Pop Up,

    My name is Bill Hennessey.

    I created this cost of owning a dog calculator and am trying to get it out to the general dog and pet, shelter and rescue community. The calculator configures yearly costs of owning a dog and calculates long term costs involved with owning a dog.

    I am involved in many pet advocacy groups and volunteer at the local animal shelter. My main reason for creating this was while working at the shelters I found that many of people adopting the dogs had absolutely no idea what was involved with owning a dog and the long term costs of owning one. It drove me crazy to see so many people bringing the dogs back after a month or two because they claimed they could not afford them or it was too much work. People just have no idea in my opinion.

    Please help me with this cause and post the code on a page on your website or a link back to this page.


    There is also code on the page if you would like to create your own page and give people access to this free resource.

    Feel free to call me if you have any questions or e-mail me at Treasurecoast@yahoo.com

    Bill Hennesey

  4. Hello there!

    This is Melissa from Maqnifiscent Grooming & Finishing Splash. I wanted to share with you our non toxic, paraben free pet grooming sprays that neutralize pet odors and replace them with fresh, subtle touch activated (a.k.a. Scratch & Sniff) fragrances. Maqnifiscent products are a first of its kind creation and truly the best on the market! With 200+ customizable flavors to choose from plus 8 stock flavors available, there’s surely a scent to make even the toughest customer happy! Please visit our website for more info.
    Thanks so much for your time and I look forward to hearing from you!

    Melissa LeBlanc
    Maqnifiscent Grooming & Finishing Splash
    Mon.-Fri. 10a – 5p (CST)

    • I would be happy to try a complimentary sample for review on Twitter, Facebook and of course, my blog. Let me know if that would interest you.


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