Lately it seems I’ve been lifting up my shirt for an awful lot of people. Depending on when you knew me, this may, or may not, surprise you. But these days, it is a flash of necessity, not for funny shock value. If you’re new here, I was diagnosed with … Continue reading

We did it!!!! We said Fuck You to the cancer-monster and kicked some ass. And….It’s GONE!!!!! My biopsies and tests came back as NED, which, in our lingo means “No Evidence of Disease”. I am just over the moon happy, even though it took a bit of time to actually … Continue reading

They’re gone. They were removed sometime between 5pm and 8pm on Tuesday evening while Jeff waited anxiously at the Vallarta Medical Center. When he finally was alIowed to visit me, I was groggy, he was tired. And it was late by the time he left the hospital to return … Continue reading

I’m beginning to fledge. Is that the correct terminology? You know, it’s when baby precocial birds sprout their fuzzy down before their little feathers begin to poke through their wrinkled skin. My freshly formed fluff appeared a couple of weeks ago, despite the fact that I was actively receiving chemotherapy. … Continue reading
I still carry my hairbrush in my purse. I’ve been bald since Christmas day, yet I just can’t seem to let go of that fucking brush. It’s not even a nice one. It’s one of those little plastic freebies you get in your Clinique goody bag when you spend $385 … Continue reading

Wedged somewhere in between the craziness of this current cancer boondoggle and last summer’s east coast of the US and Canadain Maritimes roadtrip, Jeff and I visited the somewhat removed, ruggedly beautiful wilderness of New Hampshire’s White Mountains. If you haven’t already gathered, or if you’ve just started reading Call … Continue reading

What if i got cancer? It was a question I asked myself from time to time as an adult, especially after Mom was diagnosed with lung cancer. What if the tests come back positive? What if the chemo doesn’t work? What if it’s spread? What if it comes back? What … Continue reading
Fffrrrrriiippppppp!!!!!!!!!!! Say it out loud. That’s the sound of Velcro being pulled apart. It’s also the sound of me ripping the remaining stubble (and some skin) out of my head with Duct tape. Fuuuuccckkkkk!! (No explanation necessary) Did you know that chemo makes your hair hurt? Until I got cancer, … Continue reading

Again, thanks so very much for the positivity you are sending out to me in this journey and soul-bearing. You have no idea how much it helps to pull me through, especially on the rough days, of which I have had more than I care to admit. I know, I … Continue reading
This party has officially started. And at this writing, I am dancing with the devil. The Red Devil, that is, a potent chemotherapy drug that goes in red, comes out red . After a bag of that, I get pumped with Taxotere, another super-duper strong drug with known side effects … Continue reading