Meet willy and the boyz, our mascot that travels the world with us. I picked him up at a local art shop in Kaikoura, NZ. He was created to be a napkin holder, according to the artist, but he makes for an entertaining conversation piece, don’t you think? … Continue reading
This weekend, honeykins and I attended our semi-monthly Neighborhood Diner’s get together. It’s a group of 175 people, broken into groups of 16 or so, that meet every other month for a year to “break bread” and socialize. It has been a great way to meet new people in the … Continue reading
Ok, my husband, Jeff, whom I lovingly refer to as “honeykins”, and I have just returned from the “Tour Du Mont Blanc,” a 120 mile trek through Italy, Switzerland and France. So now I am home, unpacked, and almost recovered from the dreaded but unavoidable airline respiratory crud that … Continue reading