When Jeff and I decided to enjoy the traveling lifestyle full-time, we began with land-travel. We bought a little pop-up camper, loaded up the necessities-including our three rescued dogs-and hit the road. We dubbed ourselves “3 Pups In A Pop-Up”, complete with tons of bumper-stickers, magnetic car signage and a … Continue reading
Tag Archives: adventure

When Spanish school was over and done with, Jeff and I wasted no time moving on to our next destination, Puebla, Mexico. It was bittersweet saying adios to our friends, but we were brain-dead from six-weeks of nearly non-stop studying, and ready to explore more of this beautiful country that we … Continue reading

We’ve waited a long time for this. I guess a few days longer won’t make that much difference… HK and I have been packing, culling, and packing some more for our upcoming trip to “Naptown” (Annapolis, MD) to begin our foray into the sailing life. This will be a 2-month trial … Continue reading
HK and I have been discussing our “next adventure” in life for a few years now. We knew it would involve travel, and moving on, but in what capacity-we weren’t sure. About 4 years ago we bought a pop-up trailer that we named The Pup-Up, and took her, along with … Continue reading
Years ago, HK and I traveled to New Zealand for a month. He was working for a Fortune 500 company that (generously) gave high-performing employees a month-long sabbatical every 4 years. It was our first time to fly first class (on Air New Zealand, a fantastic airline.) We went in … Continue reading
roxie here. i’m one of the 3 pups in a pop-up. i’m the middle child, only girl. i have 2 obnoxious brothers i have to keep in line, but that’s easy-peasy, because i’m what mommy calls a “hybrid herder”. today, diddy and mommy popped up the pop up, and it’s … Continue reading
Over the holidays, HK and I decided to break up our week-long isit w/ my parents by going on an overnight kayak adventure in the everglades. “Oh, my god, are you nuts?? Don’t you know there are gators and pythons out there? You’ll get eaten alive!!” Mom shook her head in that … Continue reading