The other day, Mommy’s friend Lisa sent her a video on the Facebook. Mommy LOVES The Facebook and pays way too much attention to it! We try to get her attention when she just sits there and moves that “mouse”, although it doesn’t look like a mouse to us!! Anyway, … Continue reading
Tag Archives: facebook

In preparation of our upcoming trip up the East Coast, HK and I are re-equipping the “Pup” for a month-long journey with the 3 pups. We’ve gone on a few week-long camping trips since our 3-month cross country trip last year, but it’s time to replace a few essentials. Like the spare … Continue reading
As you know, I have been having a very public love affair with facebook for the past 2 ½ years. Through my virtual lover, I have reconnected with many, many old aquaintances. Social Media has become an entirely new way to socialize, and I find myself running to my computer … Continue reading
In honor of No More Excuses Month, I have to say I’ve done myself pretty proud! Yesterday, in looking over my writing projects, I reviewed some notes I took at the recent SCBWI conference. (Society of Children’s Book Writer’s and Illustrators). In the notes were a few random ideas for … Continue reading
Happy March! There is something about this month that signals Spring to me. Here in Atlanta, March seems to burst forth with blooms (and pollen) and Lenten Roses, redbuds, daffodils, (pollen) and cherry blossoms. Oh, and did I mention pollen? It is also my Dad’s birthday. Happy Birthday, Daddy! With … Continue reading
OMG!!!! It’s HERE! They finally made a movie about Facebook, and naturally, I had to go see it opening day! (If they knew what a fanatic I am about fb, I surely would’ve gotten premier tickets or something.) The movie is called “The Social Network” and I have to tell … Continue reading
“Julie, do you remember Beverly Barlow?” My Mom asked when she called to wish me Bon Voyage on my upcoming trip to Norway. It was more of a statement than a question. “Mary George’s niece, from Louisville. Remember her?” The name was familiar, and I vaguely recollected a freckle-faced red … Continue reading
Holey Moley! What in the world have i gotten myself into this time???? Last year i hooked up with my old buddy from Sewanee Academy (a boarding high school), and we went back to our old stomping grounds and spend a very successful day (and night) of reuniting. This spring, … Continue reading
I was over at my friend Bern’s blog today, and was intrigued by her account of seeing a guy in a t-shirt that read simply “I am awesome”. The guy seemed like your average Joe, but a soul brave and proud enough to sport his feelings on his chest … Continue reading
I’m on cloud 9. I have just returned from an absolutely amazing weekend in the rolling hills of Tennessee. And yes, it was because of facebook, once again. As you may remember, I reunited w/ my old Sewanee Academy friend “Martina” a year ago. It was my first facebook-generated face-to-face, and I was … Continue reading