She sleeps, still. Still, except for the slightest twitch in her foot. Still, as she has done so much of over the past seven months. HK and I have spent the better part of the past 3 seasons with my parents here in Naples, Fl. Much of that time … Continue reading
Tag Archives: lung cancer

I watch her sleep, which is often. She loves to be touched, and although her eyes remain closed her smile lets me know that she is at peace. The nasty cancer-monster has reared back his fist and slammed it into my family’s heart. After being told that Mom’s lung … Continue reading

With the Fight for Air Climb behind us, we are packed and ready to leave on a new adventure. this one will have us sailing in the Abaco Islands in the Bahamas. We will be taking lots of photos to share when we return, but I don’t expect we’ll be … Continue reading
Well, even if I don’t win any medals, I’m gonna have a great looking butt come summer! This training has been a wonderful motivator for me to work my lungs and body. And every time I come home from training, I am reminded of how fortunate I am to be … Continue reading

I’ve been going to Resolution Fitness in the 191 Peachtree Bldg now for a couple of weeks. After my first experience with the workout, I seriously pondered the wisdom of making such a commitment. A 5-week training course to whip me into shape to complete a climb up 52 stories … Continue reading

YAY!!! I am elated to report that my Mom is In Remission!!!! Yep! Her lungs show no spread of that dreaded “C” word! This has been a long and emotional journey for my family, and it was with a huge, collective sigh of relief when we learned the news. It … Continue reading